A Private Members-Only Business Lounge, Perth, Western Australia
Contact us: nick@cigarsocial.com.au | +61 438 474 891
or nbudd@cigarsocial.com.au | +61 487 722 388
Retail Sales…now Available!
Call us on +61 438 474 891 or +61 487 722 388 to find out more…
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday: Noon till 8pm
Saturday & Sunday: Noon till 5pm
Interstate and Overseas Visitors
Interstate and Overseas visitors may access the lounge by paying an Interstate Day Membership Fee.
Entry is at the sole discretion of Cigar Social and you will need photo identification such as a Passport or Driving Licence validating your current interstate or international residential address and complete an Interstate Membership Application.
If you are visiting Perth and would like to join us, please do send us an email – nick@cigarsocial.com.au.